St. Peter's Lutheran Church
Worship is at the heart of the congregation's spiritual life. In worship, we receive the forgiveness of sins through the preaching of God's holy word and by participating in the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
St. Peter's is a loving Christian community that ministers to the needs of our members and our community at large.
Bible Study
Through the diligent, ongoing study of God's word, we grow together in knowledge of God and trust in him. St. Peter's offers numerous Bible studies on different topics and at different times to aid in the spiritual growth of our whole church family.
Our Pastors
Pastor Joel Sauer and Carl Schroeder have been called by the Holy Spirit to serve as the spiritual leaders of St. Peter's Lutheran Church.
What We Believe
St. Peter's is a Christian, Lutheran, evangelical, confessional church, and we are a member congregation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and we accept the historic Lutheran Confessions as a true statement of Biblical truths.
Members of St. Peter's support our ministry through gifts of their time, their ability and their possessions.